Friday, August 29, 2014

Ep. 16 'So, the Turtles...'

This week, we're joined by friend of the show Darran Smyth to talk about the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. It's filled with tangents and deep critical analysis.

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Ep. 15 'God, The Devil and Bobcast'

This week in tribute to the late James Garner we look at the time when he played God in the short lived animiated sit com God, The Devil & Bob. Also there is a LIVE birthday present opening.

Short Drive by (Smog)
The High Life Intro
AV Club obituary for James Garner
The Unemployed Historian - Mrs Brown

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ep. 14 - 'Roger the Duck'

This week, following the release of Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy we look at Phase 1 of the Marvel Comics Universe. With a little discussion of why DC movies are not so good. We also touch on how Thor was once a horse. Marvel Cinematic Universe on Wikipedia Beta Ray Bill DC Movie Release Dates